The Great Goddess Page

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Welcome To The Great Goddess Page!!!

I am creating this page to honor the inner Goddess in myself and everywoman. As a child, being raised in a fundamentalist religion, in the "Buckle of the Bible Belt", I felt as if I couldn't be made in the image of God, because I was female. I also picked up the message that women were innately bad & weak because of the story told about Eve and the apple. This damaged my self-esteem, my spirituality, and my view of myself as a woman. I no longer believe that these things are true. I think that they are ways to keep women oppressed. The Great Goddess Page will tell the stories of and/or describe Goddess in varying cultures and time periods, so that women may be able to have a female role model, to see the spiritual in themselves, and/or just enjoy the "herstory." Please read with an open mind and enjoy.
Changing Woman
Like Mother Earth,
this site is growing and changing,
so please continue to check back
in for more information.

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you would like to see me add.
I would also like to receive
any information on lesser known,
& more culturally diverse Goddesses.

All cultures have stories to explain the creation of the world & of human beings. Many cultures also have stories of a great flood. (Noah & the Ark being one of just many.) This is a West Africa(Yoruba)story that explains all of these. YEMAKA was a Creator Goddess who gave birth to the first man & the first woman on earth. When her uterine waters broke, it caused a great flood which created the oceans of the earth. I think this is a beautiful story because it recognizes the spiritual god(des)-like ability of women to carry & bring forth life, it gives men & women equal status in coming into this life, & it shows both childbirth & the great flood as being natural events, rather than punishments by a judging male deity. I like the connection of the uterine waters to the ocean as today it is recognized that the moon affects not only the tides but a woman's cycle. (!) YEMAYA is a Goddess who rules the household and women's affairs. This includes conception, childbirth, & the rearing of chyildren.